Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Marathon - We Finished!

Emily and I ran and finished the Fresno/Clovis Marathon 2009! We both ran well and are tired now, but very happy with our run. It was really fun, the event was very well organized, and the stuff we got at the end was awesome. However, we will let the podcast tell it all! Download it here: http://www.box.net/shared/z95pqm74tm; this is one of our best ones, so enjoy.

We also have a few videos that I took before, during and a fter the race. They are choppy, because I was running during them, but they turned out pretty good. We will post them in the next week or so.

Thanks for tuning in. We are both anxious to get our shoes back on and run the next race, so we w ill let you know when the next podcast is out.

Run on fellow runners, run on!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Video Podcast - 22 Miler

Here is the video we made after our 22 mile run. Tiring, but fun.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 12, 13, and 14 podcast

Hello fellow runners!

We finally had a few minutes to make a podcast this week, click here: http://www.box.net/shared/madlegb8aa. We have had a few big runs and are starting to taper down for the big day...only TWO WEEKS until the marathon!!

Some highlights of the podcast:
- highlights from the longest run- 22 miles
- running etiquette (again! watch out!)
- asking for directions on the run
- new aches and pains
- fun facts and tips about running in the sun/heat

We have a pretty easy week this week and next, and should be well prepared for the race in a few weeks. Keep the questions and comments coming! Wish us luck in these last few training days!

Run on fellow runners, run on!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Whew, so busy! (and Happy Birthday Brian!!)

Hello fellow runners! What a crazy few weeks we've had. I know were a little behind in our podcasting, but between work getting busier by the minute, trying to run 6-10 miles/day before the sun goes down, and making sure we eat dinner and have clean clothes, we havent really had much time to think let alone podcast!

We have our longest run of the training this weekend- 22 miles! Then we begin the taper (whew!). Our 20 mile runs have been fine, they hurt a bit, but I'm confident that we can do the 22 now. I think that is the whole point- once we do 22 I know 26 wont be so bad (ok, it might be bad, but we can do it!).

I've been having some foot/shin problems these last few weeks. I thought it was just from a shoe being too tight, but now its going up my leg a bit. Its not so bad that it hurts all the time, just when I run. I've tried to take it a little easier this week, just so I can make it through the 22 miles. I know I will be taking a Tylenol or two on the run...

I know this is short and sweet, but I thought I'd give an update just so you know we didnt forget about the podcast, and the training is going strong!!

Run on fellow runners, run on! (see, I dont mind TYPING it, I just dont like SAYING it!)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 10 and 11 Podcast

Just finished another podcast. This is a good one, with a special "Quote of the Week". Check it out here: http://www.box.net/shared/u8xtsach76

Since we last talked, we ran a 18 and 20 miler. Its really starting to get real, and we are real tired too, sleeping a lot more and eating a lot more. We have really started to find out how much time is devoted to this thing, not only running, but the prep and recovery from these long runs. But it feels so good accomplishing a new feat every week.

Also, Brian's mom is running her SECOND half marathon this weekend in the San Jose Rock and Roll Half marathon. GO Cherryll/Mom!!

Run on fellow runners, run on!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Countdown to the BIG DAY!!

Hello Everyone!
I just found a way to add the countdown clock to our blog! Only 51 days until the marathon....oh man, it makes me nervous now that I see it counting away!

We have our 18 mile run tomorrow, so its off to bed for me!
We'll keep you posted on our progress, and keep those comments/questions coming!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Week 8 and 9

Sorry we missed a week, so we are covering the last two weeks in the latest podcast: http://www.box.net/shared/xrj9nt6xp6. This is officially the half way point, as we just finished our eighth week.

We are getting serious now, with a 16 and 14 miler under our belts, and have an 18 mile run this weekend. However, we have good experience now with all our runs, now we just have to stick to it!

Podcast topics include:
-Missed last week, sorry for the delay
-Ran 16 miler and 14 miler, actually not too bad
-Feedback from moms: fuel belt and training questions
-Next long run is 18 miles, getting huge!
-New microphone

Run on, Fellow Runners, Run on!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 7 Podcast

Week 7 podcast is up go here.

Apologies for posting this a little late.

We went camping over the weekend, but didnt have a "long" run. Although, running everyday pooped me out. I got lethargic on a 6 miler. Also, this may be the last podcast with bad audio, as i just received a proper microphone.

Topics include:
-No long runs this past week, but ran everyday.... whew
-enjoyed the camping trip
-5k run with warmup/cooldown
-Running etiquette
-16 miler next week, yama hama

Run on, Fellow Runners, Run on!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Week 6 Podcast

Week 6
We had a pretty good week, with some low mileage, but our weekend runs are getting longer (especially when you accidentially run MORE than you're supposed to!). We're onto week 7 of the training, and still busy every weekend.

This photo is from our recent Monterey trip. Emily's still smiling after the long run!

Here is the link for the latest podcast: http://www.box.net/shared/l926xcoztf

-Ran 14 miler, on accident, oops!
-Weekday runs are getting longer, days are getting shorter
-Book recommendation: Ultramarathon Man by Dean Karnazes www.ultramarathonman.com
-Response to question: "Are you guys losing any weight?"
-Next week: Traveling again, 6 miler, and week day 8 mile hill run

Run on, Fellow Runners, Run on!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Week 5 Podcast

Week 5 podcast is in the can.... download it here: http://www.box.net/shared/ej0ycy6rh9

Our long run this past week was much easier and more enjoyable. Training continues to get tougher, although if you prepare for it, its not too bad. New shoes, yes!

Also, the quality of the podcast is still just okay, but I'm getting used to podcasting now. And thanks to everyone who listens regularly, friends and family, we appreciate it! It gives us an audience, and makes it more fun if we know we have your support. Thank you!

Topics include:
-Ran 12 miler, and prepared for it this time!
-Running Revolution in Campbell is great, hooked us up with great shoes, and did it the right way
-Fuel Belts
-Stretching myths
-Dead ipod.....NOOOOOO!
-New Pains on long runs

Next week: Running while traveling again, this time 13 miles in Monterey, along the coast, should be beautiful!

Run on, Fellow Runners, Run on!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Week 4 Podcast

Week 4 podcast is up, check it out: http://www.box.net/shared/226vjy5dcv

Whew! Traveling is tough when training, and you will hear about it. However, this may be the best sounding podcast yet. I found a decent mic to use, but we are still going to get a better one. This podcasting thing is tough!

Topics include:
-Running 10 (not 12!) miles in the heat, without water and while traveling
-CarCast with Adam Carolla
-What to look for in a run when traveling, using MapMyRun and Google Pedometer function
-Are your favorite songs good running songs?

Thanks for listening!

Run on, fellow Runners! Run on!


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Week 3 Podcast

We are back with a new podcast after being sick. Here is the link to the file: http://www.box.net/shared/199jz9kva2

Topics include:
-Running and sickness
-Wharf to Wharf 6 mile run in Santa Cruz, CA
-Eating beans while running
-Traveling when training for a marathon

The quality of the sound is very poor, and I recommend turning up your volume to hear it clearly. I am still working out the sound on my computer. However, content wise, this is a good podcast, so I recommend you listen. The end of the podcast is very quiet so you will just hear music. I did figure out what was wrong, of course it was after we recorded, so next week will be great.

Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Flu's got us down...

No podcast this week! Brian has some sort of flu/fever/something that's had him in bed for the past three days. I have been running and am trying to keep on my schedule, but its tough without my running partner! Hopefully I wont get "the sickness" too...

Brian should be back in action next week.

Sorry to keep you all waiting for our exciting week 2 podcast!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 1 Podcast

Training has begun.

Listen to the first week of training Podcast by clicking the title above, or click here.

The audio is a little rough, but we are working on it. Notably, the computer we are recording on had its fan turn on about 20 seconds in, so it sounds like a vacuum cleaner is running in the background. I apologize for this, and next time will be fixed.

Topics in this weeks podcast include:
-Jungle Run Half Marathon re-cap
-Marathon training summary
-Running tips

Music in the background is from Brian's former band in San Diego, the Blue Shift! Surf Rock On!

Please give us feedback on this, we would love to hear what you think.


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Seattle Half Marathon: Chasing Emily

We finished the Seattle Half Marathon yesterday.

We had to wake up just before 5am, and the only people also out on the streets were hobos and other runners. We got in the block-round line of about 500 other runners to take the school buses to the start line in Tukwila, a town just south of Seattle. It was about a 20 minute bus ride, and at the exit for the start many runners were getting dropped off on the exit ramp due to all of the traffic!

The race officially started at 7am, and was perfect weather for running, about 60 degrees. We were in corral 8 of about 33 corrals, putting us around the 2:00 finishing time. Personally I always try to run at a 9min/mile pace, and have always been able to achieve that.

We ran through some back streets of Tukwila, being greeted by cheering onlookers the whole time, which is great. Not until mile 4 did we see our first hill, providing an early challenge. We gradually approached Lake Washington, and ran along it for a few miles.

At one point in the race, all the racers were looking up in the tree and saw our national bird, a bald eagle. I had never seen one out in the wild, and it was really majestic to see one. Around this area, Emily put in her headphones and notified me that she would be "taking off," meaning she would be running at her pace and bolting ahead. Usually she can run at a much faster pace and did so at this point.

Around mile 7, they handed out energy gels. I grabbed a blueberry flavored gel, that apparently had caffeine in it and gulped it down. This is always a good idea mid-race, as it gives you some nutrients and a little boost in your run. However, it was the first burst of caffeine I had that morning, so it kicked me in the pants and I soon had a second wind. I planned to catch up to Emily as she was about 100 yards ahead. I pushed up a slight hill and focused on running quicker. It wasn't until about a couple miles later that I couldn't see Emily. I finally turned around and saw Emily, giving me a "what the hell is going on on" look. I finally realized I had burst of speed and had to slow it down if I was to not burn myself out for the rest of the run.

After the marathoners split away from us, we began to approach downtown Seattle, running in tunnels and on the highway at one point. Coming into downtown, there were several thousand peope cheering the runners on, which was really inspiring for the last leg of the race.

I came into the finish at 1:55, just under a 9min/mile. Emily finished about 30 seconds ahead of me. At the end of the race we were stopped by a camera crew for an interview- I'm not sure where the video ended up. We were not really in the mood for an interview, but wanted water and snacks to replenish ourselves. The finish line area had bananas, bagels, Cytomax (electrolyte), water, granola bars, and a free Miller 64 beer per racer. I found a box and piled on the freebies! Yes!

It was a really beautiful run and probably the most well-organized race yet. It is highly recommended.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Marathon information

I just realized that we dont have a link to the actual marathon that this blog is supposed to be about! Brian and I are running the Fresno 2-Cities Marathon in November 2009.
You can read all about it here: http://www.runfresno.com/

I thought it would be a fun first marathon because we can drive to it (only about 2.5 hours away), there are only 5000 runners, and they give away a lot of free schwag (including a few free beers after the run). It doesnt sound as exciting as The San Francisco Marathon, or the Disney World Marathon, but hey, its a start!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

See Jane Run Women's 1/2 Marathon

Hello, this is Emily- my first blog on the site! Saturday, I ran in the See Jane Run Women's Half Marathon in Alameda. It was a 13.1 mile run through Alameda and along the water near the Oakland Airport. My friend Kate came to visit from North Carolina, and we met up with another fellow lady sailor from Dartmouth to complete the team. Adele, Kate and I all coincidentally wore red shirts, so the "red team" was easy to spot on the course. Brian also came to the race as the "super support team," and he carried all of the pre-race warm up clothes as well as a big red cowbell to cheer us on.

The race started at 8am in Alameda. The weather was a little overcast and cool, but not too cold. The bathroom line wasnt as tough to navigate as usual, but the first thing we did when we arrived was get in the long line! After some announcements and an "80's warm up" (dont ask), the race was almost underway. The ladies lined up and the gun went off shortly after 8am.

Kate and Adele have recently run in marathons, so they were ready for the big race. I've run in 3 half marathons before, but recently I've only run a maximum of 8 miles at a time, so I was a little anxious to add the additional 5.1. The first few miles went by quickly. The three of us havent seen each other in a few months (or years?) so we were chatting and catching up for most of the race. We got some funny looks from the other racers who werent quite sure how we were able to keep up the conversation while running a half marathon...but, I'm sure our conversation was entertaining for them!

The course went down through Alameda and along the water most of the way. Other than a small footbridge, the course was relatively flat with no major hills. There were 7 water stops along the way, each with GU energy gel, Powerade and plenty of water. I looked at my watch at mile 7, and we had been running for 1:01- not too bad. We stopped at almost every water station, and around mile 8.5 we decided to get some GU to keep us going. We continued to push on at about a 8:30 minute mile pace. Surprisingly, all of us were able to keep up with each other and run almost effortlessly until around mile 11. I had to put my headphones on and listen to my ipod for some motivation towards the end of the race, but the other two kept their ipods wrapped up and enjoyed running music-free.

There werent a lot of fans along the course because it was an out and back, and it was hard to get to some areas of the race, so Brian ended up reading a magazine and enjoying the nearby park while the girls were working hard in the race. The last half mile was through the park near the start. Kate pulled away from us right at the end. Brian was waving the cowbell and taking many embarassing pictures of the worn out "red team" coming into the finish line. Kate, Adele, and I finished 9th, 10th, and 11th (in order) in our age group, with a times of 1:53-1:54- averaging just over an 8:30 min/mile!

The end of the race was filled with goodies. There was plenty of Smart Water, Powerade, and bagels, fruit, granola, etc to give some energy to the ladies after their run. One of the main reasons all three of us ran the race was the enticing chocolate and champage that was promised to be served at the finish line. All competitors were given champagne glasses filled with chocolate, and we eagerly went to the champagne line for a much deserved celebratory glass of Barefoot Bubbly. After getting as much loot as possible from the celebration expo, we made our way back to the car to head home.

The race overall was a great experience. There were plenty of water stations, great goodies at the end, and the course was along the water and flat. The weather couldn't have been better- not too hot and not too cold. If I can, I'll run again next year (and Brian might even be one of the few men to register)!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bay to Breakers 2009

Last Sunday was the 98th annual Bay to Breakers, a classic 12km (7.5m) run in San Francisco, from the Embarcadero through downtown and Golden Gate park, ending up at the beach.

Tradition dictates wearing something goofy and unorthodox. Emily has a bunch of old dance oufits that we rummage through to find something to wear. I wore a black skirt thing with green, pink and orange ruffles, a orange headband and high pink arguile socks. Emily wore blue sparkly stretch pants, a red top, a white bandana and aviator sunglasses. Sweet!

My dad always comes out and walks the course. He always gives us a report of the craziness he sees from the sidelines.

It was warm from the start, and we were in the last group, group E, with the walkers and "wheeled objects." This means we spent the 30 minutes before and 15 minutes after the start gun crammed in our corral with hundreds of drunken 20- and 30-somethings partying with their friends, and letting YOU know about it. After finally starting, we began our weaving our way out of the back and into the group of more serious runners.

A couple miles into the race, we were finally moving at a good pace, and hit the Hayes Street Hill. This hill provides a good challenge, and gets the blood pumping, but Em and I were passing people left and right. We came into Golden Gate park, me dragging a little as it was warm and I had a little too much wine the night before. Emily was bounding and I was trying to keep up. We were both enjoying the sights and sounds of the run.

The finish was right on the water, and the run into it was cool and refreshing. We crossed the line in 1hr 17 minutes, not quite a 10 minute mile, which is slow for us. However, we were dragged down quite a bit and didnt push to finish quick.

After the race, we met up with my dad, and went out for lunch, trying to reflect on the better parts of the race. Overall, we were disappointed by the race. It was too crowded, crazy and drunk to enjoy this year. We may or may not run next year.....


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Test Podcast (click here)


Here is a test Podcast, the real thing soon to come, with Brian and Emily. Click on the blog title up top, or go here: http://www.box.net/shared/b6l51uhzr8


Thursday, May 7, 2009

First Blog!! Yay!! (pretty cliche, huh?)


This is Brian. I created this blog in order to publish a podcast about running a marathon with my girlfriend, Emily. You may be a family member or even a casual web wanderer, but either way, prepare to be entertained...... or possibly transformed. Okay.... lets stop.

More later.
