Week 7 podcast is up go here.
Apologies for posting this a little late.
We went camping over the weekend, but didnt have a "long" run. Although, running everyday pooped me out. I got lethargic on a 6 miler. Also, this may be the last podcast with bad audio, as i just received a proper microphone.
Topics include:
-No long runs this past week, but ran everyday.... whew
-enjoyed the camping trip
-5k run with warmup/cooldown
-Running etiquette
-16 miler next week, yama hama
Run on, Fellow Runners, Run on!
Brian and Emily---excellent podcast--great insights, your stories and honest perspectives are refreshing as I listen while doing my runs. I'd like to know more about the fuel belt Emily refers to, the gels you take on longer runs. Thanks.