Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Flu's got us down...

No podcast this week! Brian has some sort of flu/fever/something that's had him in bed for the past three days. I have been running and am trying to keep on my schedule, but its tough without my running partner! Hopefully I wont get "the sickness" too...

Brian should be back in action next week.

Sorry to keep you all waiting for our exciting week 2 podcast!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 1 Podcast

Training has begun.

Listen to the first week of training Podcast by clicking the title above, or click here.

The audio is a little rough, but we are working on it. Notably, the computer we are recording on had its fan turn on about 20 seconds in, so it sounds like a vacuum cleaner is running in the background. I apologize for this, and next time will be fixed.

Topics in this weeks podcast include:
-Jungle Run Half Marathon re-cap
-Marathon training summary
-Running tips

Music in the background is from Brian's former band in San Diego, the Blue Shift! Surf Rock On!

Please give us feedback on this, we would love to hear what you think.
